
Pentana Audit

Explore a new world of powerful audit automation

Ideagen’s Pentana Audit is the market-leading risk-based audit management software solution for hundreds of organisations worldwide.

With our audit management software, internal audit departments can work faster, improve audit strategy, reduce costs and enhance productivity. Pentana Audit is an on-premise or hosted application with a clean, intuitive interface that helps you to :

Go Beyond Compliance

By connecting all your audit work in one modern and efficient system, compliance best practices become instilled in everything that you do, letting you focus on aligning Internal Audit with your business’ core objectives.

Pentana Audit’s risk-based approach to audit execution follows a “golden thread” structure, where objectives, risks, controls and tests are linked, providing a complete view of the full audit lifecycle.

Comprehensive risk and control libraries help ensure compliance with a multitude of requirements, including SOX, ISO 31000, COSO standards or IIA guidelines. These libraries are updated with the latest content to allow you to implement a continuous risk assessment methodology.


Streamline core internal audit processes

Pentana Audit helps to simplify the complexities of your role by centralising all your information and streamlining the internal audit process. Go paperless with a single system of record that connects your team to the rest of the organisation with ease.

The software’s complete set of features allows you to:

- Ensure your working papers are well-documented, with goals, tests, criteria, samples, observations and evidence

- Use standardised and automated annual planning and scheduling tools to understand priorities and clarify the big picture

- Systematically define and assess the specific risks and controls in an audit through heat maps, risk exposure and control coverage features

- Produce dynamic reports capable of being filtered in many different ways to enable the identification of emerging trends

With automation at the core of your internal audit function, your system can provide a framework around which you can build, maintain and improve your business.

Deliver true strategic value to your business

When you partner with Ideagen, you don’t just receive a world-class software application, you also gain access to a wealth of auditing experience and expertise that will help guide your organisation’s journey to audit maturity.

Pentana Audit is built with the end-user in mind and is designed to:

- Uncover opportunities for business-enhancing projects

- Identify and assess opportunity risk

- Make informed and intelligent decisions backed by data

- Track performance and identify areas for improvement




Project Management

• Capture objectives, scope and more in the workflow

• Easily manage multiple, overlapping and parallel audits

• Manage actions and incidents with tools for follow-up, deadlines, closure and more


Workpaper Management

• Go paperless with your working papers in a single system of record

• Display all goals, tests, criteria, samples, findings and evidence

• Use standard and custom templates that automatically synchronise with users


Risk & Control Management

• Create an unlimited number of risk registers

• Document, monitor and update controls

• Update and maintain a library of objectives, risks, controls and tests



• Display scores and trends for risks and controls online

• Allow control owners to monitor and manage their obligations

• Automatically email any changes to relevant persons



• Create comprehensive, real time-reports for senior management

• Save previously designed reports for future uses

• Communicate high-impact data via graphs or charts


Audit Universe

• Manage auditable entities and organisational structure centrally

• Configure universe to your specifications

• Map processes to entities


Planning & Schedulling

• Risk-assess the audit universe with a set of defined and weighted criteria

• Gain total flexibility of provision

• Easily identify any resourcing issues



• Link with data analysis and BI tools

• Automate sample generation and exchange data

• Using standard and custom approaches

Ready to Try PentanaAudit?

Contact us for details information