
IDEA Training Overview

Data Analytic Training

Self-paced and conventional textbook learning can sometimes be difficult and time consuming whether you’re mastering a language, new skill, or technology. Our instructor-led onsite and classroom training provides new and current IDEA® users with the momentum required to learn the basics, fine-tune existing skills, and master IDEA.

Why Invest in IDEA Training?

Get the Most from IDEA.

We’ll help you realize the full potential of IDEA and its application to real-world business challenges.

Automate routine tasks and focus more effort on complex, high-value data analysis.

Identify trends in financial data. Profile customer data for improved sales and a reduction in bad debts.

Identify breakdowns in communication between departments to eliminate waste and improve service.

IDEA Training for new hires and refresher training for veteran employees demonstrates a commitment to professional essay development. Many employees report that training leads to greater job satisfaction, productivity, and a strong intent to remain with an organization. It takes the best tools and skills to do any job well, but employees are often asked to use company software with little, if any, training. IDEA Training provides employees with the skills and confidence they need to make an impact organization wide.

IDEA Instructor-led Training is Efficient, Effective, and Focused.

The most diligent sole proprietors and contractors may find themselves inattentive and increasingly time-poor when they rely too heavily on textbook learning. Our instructor-led training is performance-based, learner-centric, and focuses on what you really need to know to be more productive.

IDEA Training is Convenient and Flexible.

Training can be provided onsite at your location and offsite at training facilities across the globe. IDEA’s applicability across a variety of disciplines and industries, including Internal and External Audit, Finance, Sales, and Information Technology, demonstrates a flexibility that benefits a diversity of roles and business objectives.

Our Instructurs

Our CaseWare Certified Instructors are highly knowledgeable professionals in data analytics and workflow automation. Armed with real-world experience, they provide relevant and specific examples, tips, and tricks that help participants relate to the course material. New and experienced IDEA users typically tell us that they find our instructors very approachable and always on hand to answer any questions.

What we offers

We offer three IDEA Data Analytics training courses and one preparatory course for IDEA users who are interested in becoming certified:

CI101 – IDEA Data Analysis Level 1

CI102 – IDEA Data Analysis Level 2

CI103 – IDEAScript for Analysts

CI201 – IDEA Data Analysis CIDA Exam Preparation

Each participant receives a training manual and the course data files.

On-site Training

Onsite training at your location is a convenient, cost effective way of training a large group of employees or launching a company-wide training effort. Instruction can be customized to meet the needs of a team, department, or organization. A customized session based on your corporate data, for instance, makes training more relevant and retainable for staff. Our goal is to foster consistency and cooperation while providing training that is both adaptable and economical. Instruction can be tailored to meet corporate needs and directly reflect the work environment.

Contact us for details information about Training
